Every day more and more individuals are waking up to the reality that, other than geography, there is very little that separates us from one another; we are all equal.
As the global citizens of the world emerge, so too does the desire we feel to witness the end of suffering for others. Over 3 billion individuals live on less than $3 per day, facing hunger, disease and famine, and many of us not only wish to see a change, but we also have a deep desire to "be the change."
As the global citizens of the world emerge, so too does the desire we feel to witness the end of suffering for others. Over 3 billion individuals live on less than $3 per day, facing hunger, disease and famine, and many of us not only wish to see a change, but we also have a deep desire to "be the change."
With so many issues in the world, it is hard to know where begin. There are major social issues within North America itself; within our local communities, our States, and of course there are the global issues that plague billions. For the overwhelmed, there are clues within us that can help guide us to where we can begin flexing our humanitarian muscles, read on and learn my tips that will help you find your path.
Consider What You've Been Through
For so many of us, we've experienced hardships that have made us much more sympathetic to others experiencing a similar situation. Maybe your child was ill when they were born, or suffer a particular disease, maybe yourself or a family member is a cancer survivor. Personal suffering brings about a higher level of compassion for those experiencing the same thing, turn that compassion into action!
Step Outside the Box
Consider stepping outside of your comfort zone, and reading a newspaper, magazine or blog that you normally wouldn't read. There is only so much we can be aware of if we have no exposure beyond that, and oftentimes this exposure may trigger something within us that was not there previously. You may not realize you have a passion for helping those who suffer from a particular disease if you have never heard of it before.
Think Creatively
Maybe you know your passion, but you don't know how to get involved or where you could be useful. In this situation think about your particular talents, whatever skills you have can be incredibly useful to a non-profit organization. Perhaps you could join the Board of Directors, offer web design services, or help to save valuable time and resources simply by putting your special skills to good use. Don't wait for opportunities to come your way, be active in your efforts to help initiate change.
Don't Limit Yourself
You may have one strong passion, but don't limit yourself there. Sadly, there is no shortage of causes that need our help. If you have the time, which sometimes may just mean 1 hour per week, you can participate in more than one world-changing activity. Again, utilize your skills, and the time you spend doing humanitarian work will feel truly productive.
Heidi Oran is the founder of The Conscious Perspective, a blog providing education and awareness about Personal Growth, Spirituality, and Humanitarian issues.
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