A Dignitas-style suicide clinic could be opened in the British Isles. It looks likely that an assisted dying centre could be opened in Guernsey after chief minister Gavin St Pier backed a proposal to allow terminally-ill adults with fewer than six months to live the right to die. Guernsey politicians are expected to vote on the assistant suicide debate in May, which sources suggesting it is likely to go ahead.
Gavin St Pier said: ‘This is about giving people choice and a sense that they have some control themselves, rather than being frightened, out of control and in the hands of others.’ He added : ‘That for me is why it is such an important issue. ‘I have personal experience of my father who died nine years ago. His death from cardiovascular disease was very distressing.
‘It was not a comfortable death and it was also not the death that he would have chosen for himself had he had the choice.’
Although people in Guernsey hold British passports, the isle is able to create its own laws so long as senior politicians in the Privy Council do not believe the legislation would negatively impact the UK. It is possible that the Privy Council, based in Westminster, could veto the plan. Dignitas, in Switzerland, is the only clinic that allows foreign nationals to take their own life, though it is out of reach for many due to cost. Currently, death by suicide remains illegal in the UK under the Suicide Act of 1961 and anyone who is convicted of assisting a suicide can be sentenced to a maximum of 14 years in prison.
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