People spend a lot of money on hiring experts to help them achieve goals in life and to find happiness. According to Harvard Business Review, the life coaching industry is booming to the tune of $1 billion a year and continues to grow. Many organizations use these specialists to keep employees involved and on track. Anyone can hire a private life coach to support in reaching personal and professional goals as well. A life coach is a facilitator, will present a blueprint to help you achieve goals and help you find resolutions. But they're pricey. According to lifecoach.com, most life coaches charge about $200 to $1,000 per month for a 60-minute call. Executive coaches require about $100 to $300 per hour. We need to invest in ourselves and outside of hiring a person, we need to tap into what God has for us. This can be the energy needed to achieve goals and to reach our full potential. Call on God to be the life coach you so desire, it's free and can be life changing.
What's great about God being your life coach is there is supernatural power backing the advice and leadership. Humans will misstate and misdirect, but with the ultimate life coach at the wheel, you might find a new hope and another way of looking at life through a different lens.
He's standing by for an appointment.
Just like hiring a professional life coach, you need to set up an appointment with God to have a discussion. We desperately desire to connect with God and may feel He's too busy to help you. But if we don't connect with Him and find out where He's directing us, it can be a solitary road and laborious road. God is the expert and comprehends the steps needed to be a success and to fulfill His mission for your life. Think of Him as a partner in life, a Father who can instruct and offer counsel. Who better to counsel and to help you?He will want you to be honest.
Hebrews 4:15 shows us God’s attitude related to us is one of sacrificial love and deep understanding of our need for Him. “For we do not have a high priest who cannot sympathize with our weaknesses, but One who has been tempted in all things as we are, yet without sin.” Jesus understands we all have a purpose in life and knows we will fail in our earthly endeavors. Share with Him your heart and your plans so He can guide you. Be honest about the disappointments and about your vision for the future. It's okay, He can handle whatever thrown at Him.He will desire you to return to Him.
You need to be open to correction and changing directions as necessary if you feel a resistance in moving forward with an idea or plan. Start with this prayer to start the session. "Thank you, God, that I am Your workmanship, Your work of art. Forgive me for going my way as I want to get back on course doing the things that you have designed for me for the glory of Thy Kingdom." God’s goal for working in your life is always to help you build stronger spiritual muscles; you cannot become stronger solo. John 14:26 explained the Holy Spirit will supervise you. "The Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, He will teach you all things and bring to your remembrance all that I said to you.” If you desire to get back on track with God, lean into Him. Trust in the Lord with all your heart and recognize Him to lead you into wholeness in your life, career and in your business life.He will nudge you.
Life is not only a race, it can be a sprint. Your spiritual muscles feel exhausted, your passion is gone and confusion may have settled into the soul. You may not think you can do another stretch or another mile. Paul said we're all in a competition in life. Be it in our spiritual, personal or professional lives, situations and disappointments can overwhelm us. Paul said in the often quoted 1 Corinthians 9:24: “Do you not know that those who run in a race all run, but only one receives the prize? Run in such a way that you may win.” When God is coaching you from the sidelines, be assured, He knows the hurdles and the pitfalls waiting ahead of us. But He will offer you insight on how to overcome these through the Word or by conversing with you.He will offer guidance.
You can't be coached if you're unreasonable and won't listen to any advice. The key in receiving good coaching is to be a responsive participant. Many of us don't want to let go and our egos keep us from hearing the guidance we seek. A solid coach will bring out the best in you and will help sharpen you. God is no different. Forgiving yourself for being obstinate is a start. But also know the best athletes in the world took the advice of a coach and although, it was hard to swallow, their willingness to listen helped them become the best. Listening is a precious commodity. Matthew 11:15 shared “He who has ears to hear, let him hear.” Maybe He's prodding you to change directions in your career or wants you to hone your skills. Think of books or conferences you want to experience and organize a time to go. Look into workshops to improve work skills or your education and allow God to use these resources to accomplish goals. The only catch is you need to listen.He will strengthen you.
Psalm 46:1 reminds us, “God is our refuge and strength, always ready to help in times of trouble.” When everything around us appears to be collapsing, we need to go to the ultimate source of support. God brought you this far, He will not drop you as a client and walk away. He will continue to show up if you miss a payment and He knows without hope we all will perish. Dig into the Word to reset all cylinders again.What's great about God being your life coach is there is supernatural power backing the advice and leadership. Humans will misstate and misdirect, but with the ultimate life coach at the wheel, you might find a new hope and another way of looking at life through a different lens.
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