Get ready to move up and take control of your life by taking responsibility, using organization, faith, and getting the mind in order. This includes work, but we are more concerned about our professional lives than we are of our private.
To leave a job, or friendships that no longer serve or are any source of happiness.
The excuses will keep you bound to the past. We need to use wisdom, of course, but avoiding risks all together out of fear will leave you stagnant. People come up with lots of reasons to avoid taking risks and making changes.
Said Wooditch:
“I can’t do this.” “I don’t know enough.” “It’s too hard.” “I’m too old.” “I’m not experienced enough.” If such thoughts rule your decisions, fear wins out before the game even gets started. Ignore those doubts and concentrate on the reasons why you can accomplish your goals.”
Look for stakeholders who will cheer you on, and bring the support on. They need make you accountable and you need to take the constructive criticism. Tia Johnson is a best-selling author and offered advice on what else we can do to build a support team in this area.
In her Huffington Post blog:
“Look for the people who believed in you from the very beginning and remained by your side; those who believed in you just as you were about to give up and those who helped you get back on track, because those people are the real stakeholders of your life.” It is important that you make time for others in these circles, support them as well.
Stop whining and complaining. There are things we can’t control, but how we handle how we react. Take control over what you can. This can be education, revamping your career, and choosing to rise above the circumstances. As CEO of your life, you need to have resilience. Look at the complaints you have, is there anything that you can do to fix them?
Look where there has been procrastination as this steals creativity, innovation, and motivation. Leant more! Just because there are no funds to support education, or becoming a better parent-- there are plenty of ways to learn.
There are free classes, workshops, and people you can learn from. When you find that time is wasted on the internet, games, and social media, just think of what you can do to better yourself. This can be reading, taking an online course, or going to a lecture on business.
What is really stopping you?
Fear, can paralyze anyone. Being burned out leaves you for dead. However, there are remedies, and these monsters can be defeated. Try facing them one at a time, and as a decision maker, you can do something personally and professionally.
Pull up those CEO pants and go get ‘em.
Corine Gatti is a Senior Editor at Beliefnet.com.
Nothing will change unless you make a decision to get out of complacency. This is normal, where many of us experienced apathy on the job and at home.
What don’t you do?
First we can become so distraught over people, circumstances, and wanting to just give up, and or even hide.
This will not accomplish much, and can actually lead to someone worse like depression, a bigger rut—or denial. Have self-pity for awhile, but don’t wallow as we need to keep going forward. We don’t have to live in denial. What is important that you recognize that there needs to be a change. It is time to be real and call a meeting with the board—that is you!
If you’re not happy, admit this.
There are several areas that need to be looked at like wealth, health, spiritual life, and home life. Look at ways to balance these areas, or improve on them. If bills are in disorder like your house, organize. Take small steps to achieve this like getting rid of excess, and going on a budget. Enlist a CFO like your mate or friend to help you start.
Pick people who will support the changes that need to be made. This may include career advisers, financial advisers, professional cleaners, and mental health practitioners.
Always Forward! author and entrepreneur William S. Wooditch shared that bad mindsets need to go. It takes guts to walk away from toxic people and things that are no longer healthy--or even worse.
The excuses will keep you bound to the past. We need to use wisdom, of course, but avoiding risks all together out of fear will leave you stagnant. People come up with lots of reasons to avoid taking risks and making changes.
Said Wooditch:
“I can’t do this.” “I don’t know enough.” “It’s too hard.” “I’m too old.” “I’m not experienced enough.” If such thoughts rule your decisions, fear wins out before the game even gets started. Ignore those doubts and concentrate on the reasons why you can accomplish your goals.”
Look for stakeholders who will cheer you on, and bring the support on. They need make you accountable and you need to take the constructive criticism. Tia Johnson is a best-selling author and offered advice on what else we can do to build a support team in this area.
In her Huffington Post blog:
“Look for the people who believed in you from the very beginning and remained by your side; those who believed in you just as you were about to give up and those who helped you get back on track, because those people are the real stakeholders of your life.” It is important that you make time for others in these circles, support them as well.
Stop whining and complaining. There are things we can’t control, but how we handle how we react. Take control over what you can. This can be education, revamping your career, and choosing to rise above the circumstances. As CEO of your life, you need to have resilience. Look at the complaints you have, is there anything that you can do to fix them?
Look where there has been procrastination as this steals creativity, innovation, and motivation. Leant more! Just because there are no funds to support education, or becoming a better parent-- there are plenty of ways to learn.
There are free classes, workshops, and people you can learn from. When you find that time is wasted on the internet, games, and social media, just think of what you can do to better yourself. This can be reading, taking an online course, or going to a lecture on business.
What is really stopping you?
Fear, can paralyze anyone. Being burned out leaves you for dead. However, there are remedies, and these monsters can be defeated. Try facing them one at a time, and as a decision maker, you can do something personally and professionally.
Pull up those CEO pants and go get ‘em.
Corine Gatti is a Senior Editor at Beliefnet.com.
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