Oh, those "gotcha" moments can be cumbersome for us. They catch us off guard, cause anxiety and veer us off the road of where God is leading us! This is when we really need to start making sure we get back on track. The devil would love nothing more than for to become side-lined from your true purpose and advancing the Kingdom on earth. There will be tests through people, through our problems and through our circumstances. This is where we need to make the choice to change our perspective when life hurls an obstacle. Our success on earth is determined on our spiritual connection. We hope the following spiritual rules will equip you for success and help propel you towards your destiny.
Get spiritually aligned.
There are spiritual principles that we need to heed for success. The most important rule above our careers and our ambitions is putting the Kingdom of God first. Mathew 6:33 instructs us: "But seek you first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness and all these things shall be added to you." There is nothing wrong with having dreams and having a passion. However, we can't get in alignment with Holy Spirit if our priorities are skewed. Once we start building this foundation, we can start looking towards out own ambitions.
Prepare for your goals.
We all need to prepare ourselves if we want to have success. Gaining knowledge is essential to reach your destination. If you want to teach, you will need to go through the certification process to be able to instruct. Then you need to start visualizing your goals because it's more powerful than you writing it down on paper. Staying accountable to your friends and to your family even if it is uncomfortable helps with accomplishing goals. This is no different in our spiritual lives as we need accountability to make sure we don't become sidetracked. We can see this in Proverbs. "A wise man will hear and will increase learning, and a man of understanding shall attain to wise counsels." The key to achieving your goals is to prepare by studying and learning more about the given topic. The same holds true for your spiritual growth. We need to study the Word of God to learn more about Him.
Cast down imaginations.
We are told in 2 Corinthians to cast down imaginations and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God. Why would God instruct us to do this? Simply, our feelings are very fickle. Our feelings are up one day then they tank the next day. If we don't harness our thought life, we will be all over the map in our faith walk and in reaching our full potential. "It is easy to become lethargic and to lose energy when you are tired or things seem to be going wrong," the United Church of God shared. Unpack your negative thoughts to remain focused on the positive. Replace the old thoughts with ones from Scripture that speak of life.
Shutdown the temptation to give up.
When Jesus was in the wilderness He was tempted to give up. He was hungry and thirsty after not eating for 40 days and 40 nights. We know Jesus kept reiterating to the devil: "Thou should not tempt the Lord thy God." Keep a list of your achievements on a note card and pull it out when your self-criticism threatens to overwhelm or tempt you to give up hope. We need to remember that God does not tempt us. “When tempted, no one should say, ‘God is tempting me.’ For God cannot be tempted by evil, nor does he tempt anyone, but each person is tempted when they are dragged away by their own evil desire and enticed.” Many people became successful because they didn't give up and they always had another plan to achieve their goals. Always look for ways to work around obstacles and to confront the temptations in life.
Be teachable.
We don't like to be told what to do. However, being teachable helps us to become more open and keeps us thirsty for more knowledge. Not being teachable or open to correction will not help you become a success in life or in your spiritual walk. A teachable spirit will help you gain wisdom and learn from others. Don't discount what others have to say. If they have been through a dilemma comparable to yours, why not listen and receive council? The most effective leaders are the ones that don't talk but listen. Proverbs is straightforward about being an active listener. "Like a gold ring or an ornament of gold is a wise reprover to a listening ear."
Stop chasing the wrong things in life.
Chasing down the wrong things in life will not bring you joy. We value money and accolades more than spending time in the Word and spending time with friends and family. The secret to success is not all about your bank account. It is about adding value to the world around you, life coach Tony Robins said. You get what you put in. No time for relationships and watch them die on the vine. “If you keep putting unbelievable quality in, when it’s time for you to cash that spiritual, emotional, physical, financial, or business check, it ain't gonna bounce, because you've been making deposits and you've got plenty to give," he said. Think about where you are headed in life presently. Are there areas where you are out of touch? Try hitting the breaks and back up regarding your priorities. We can't take our successes or trophies to heaven.
You can reach your full potential in this life and when you leave the earth because you fused your faith life into your everyday experience. If we can harness the power of God in our lives, we can tap into an unprecedented power that can catapult us to new heights of success. To be truly satisfied in life, God needs to be in the picture for good. Make this a goal when you draft short-term goals and draft long-term goals. Proverbs is clear about putting God first. "In all your ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct your paths." If you have taken control of your life, this could be a good time to hand the reins back over to God.
You can reach your full potential in this life and when you leave the earth because you fused your faith life into your everyday experience. If we can harness the power of God in our lives, we can tap into an unprecedented power that can catapult us to new heights of success. To be truly satisfied in life, God needs to be in the picture for good. Make this a goal when you draft short-term goals and draft long-term goals. Proverbs is clear about putting God first. "In all your ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct your paths." If you have taken control of your life, this could be a good time to hand the reins back over to God.
(By Corine Gatti/Beliefnet.com)
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