Have you ever been around someone or in an environment where you feel
completely drained after you see the person or leave a situation? Do you ever attend meetings or have conversations that are high emotionally charged and leave the meeting feeling anxious but you don’t know why? These are examples of times when shielding yourself from negative energy is beneficial for your energetic, emotional and physical health.To illustrate, imagine your thoughts and feelings create bubbles of energy for each thought you have. If you are having an intense emotion like anger, are feeling depressed or are being critical negative energy bubbles are created and fill your energy field or aura surrounding your physical body. Sometimes you may pick up energy bubbles from another person. These bubbles jump like hitch hikers and get stuck in your aura. When negative energy attaches to you it can drain your energy, cause you to feel depressed or anxious, and increase your doubts and worries. Excessive exposure to negative energy can even manifest as physical conditions and illnesses.
This is why it is important to use energetic defenses to protect you from negative energies so that these energies do not become attached or lodged in your energy field. The following techniques are helpful techniques you can use to shield yourself from stress and negative energy.
Close Your Aura
Pull your body’s energy field in close to you. In a relaxed state your energetic field spreads far beyond the confines of your physical body. Your energy field or aura can expand six feet or more in all directions around your body. Imagine walking through a crowd of people. If your energy field is expanded it would be intermingling with a lot of other energy fields, exposing you to picking up negative energy from people you do not even know. You can pull your energy field in close to you by mentally instructing your aura to come in so that it just skims the edge of your physical body. This is done just as you would instruct your right leg to step forward. Another strategy is to cross your legs and arms. This automatically pulls your aura in close to you.
Be Aware of the Energetic Environment
Be aware of the energy of the environments you are spending your time in. Minimize time spent in places with negative energy or around people who project negative energy. You can easily pick up negative energy when working in a stressful office or attending a meeting where there is a lot of tension, anxiety and aggression. These types of environments often cause the people working in them to generate a lot of negative energy bubbles. In these environments the workers can be creating so many bubbles of energy that the negative energy expands beyond the aura permeates the room or workplace. Bars and casinos are well known as environments that are often filled with people who unintentionally transmit negative energy. Be aware and minimize the time spent in these situations and when you are in these situations shield yourself.
Practice Non-Reaction
If you find yourself in an argument or confronted by someone who is angry, try not to react. Stay calm. When you react the negative energy you are creating by participating in the argument attracts more negative energy into your aura. If you are able to stay calm and detached from the situation your energy field will repel the negative energy because you are remaining either neutral or positive. Even if you have used one of the other techniques to shield yourself, your reaction to the harsh energy will break down the shield making you vulnerable. In an argument or confrontational situation it can be extremely difficult to stay calm and detached. To help you keep calm and to deescalate the angry person, mentally repeat “peace be with you.” The positive energy you are creating with this mental mantra can help keep you calm and have a positive energetic effect on the angry person.
Exercise, Meditation & Prayer
It is a well known fact that exercise helps with physical fitness. Did you know that exercise also helps with energy fitness? When you exercise the combination of movement, oxygen intake and increased circulation helps to expel negative energy from your body and improve the circulation of energy. This makes the aura stronger, cleaner and more resistant to those energetic hitch hikers we discussed previously. Meditation allows the meditator to connect with large amounts of energy and bring that into their body. The aura responds to this energy similar to the response to exercise, cleansing and strengthening the aura. The stronger the aura the more effective it is at shielding you from negative energy. If you feel you have become overwhelmed with negative energy in your aura, soak your feet in a tub or bucket of water and salt. While soaking your feet, pray. This can be in your own words or repeat a prayer from a spiritual text. This will draw down divine energy which will flow through the body to help expel negative energy and to purify your energy body. The salt water absorbs negative energy that is expelled. Burning some incense while you are praying provides added purification and cleansing benefits.
Create an Energy Shield
An energy shield is an imaginary shield created by your intention. An energy shield provides some protection from negative energy and can help keep you maintain balance. To create an energy shield you must use the power of your mind combined with your belief. Mentally envision a purple/lavender shield completely surrounding your body, as if you were inside a helium balloon. Instruct the shield mentally with its purpose. For example, “I am shielded from all psychic attack. I am shielded from all negative energy. I am shielded from all harm. This shield will remain in place for 12 hours. It is internally permeable (this means energy can get out from inside the shield but energy outside the shield cannot get in) and unbreakable.” Remember to visualize the shield as you are instructing it. There are many variations of energy shields, but you get the idea. If you wish, you can ask God, your angels or any other higher being you choose to assist you in putting the shield in place. You can use this shield on a daily basis or invoke the shield prior to entering a negative environment. You can also use an energy shield for your car, home or office.
Perform Space Clearing
I am sure you vacuum and dust your house from time to time. Over time dust and dirt accumulates on floors and furniture and builds up in corners, nooks and crannies. Energetic debris including bubbles of negative energy builds up in the same way. If there is a room or office where there has been a stressful interaction the some of the negative energy will remain in the room, building up over time just like dust. There are many ways to energetically clean your home or office. My preferred method is to place a bowl of water with about a 1/8 cup of salt in it in the center of the room. I then begin playing spiritual music of some kind in the room. Using a sage smudge stick or incense I go around the room “dusting” with the smoke. I try to get under furniture and into all the nooks and crannies that physical dust does. While doing this I simply mentally repeat the intention to cleanse and remove all negative energy from the space. There are many variations. Some traditions suggest opening the windows while doing this. If you are interested in more on this subject there are many good books available on the market today regarding space clearing.
Dawn Demers is a Strategic Coach, Change Master and speaker. Dawn’s training includes Pranic Healing, Reiki and other healing modalities in addition to traditional bachelors, masters and doctoral degrees in business and psychology. Learn more about Dawn at ACORDA Strategic Coaching.
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