When someone passes on, we feel a
tremendous amount of loss and grief. Many
people find comfort in knowing
their loved one is up in Heaven, and that their loved ones are
sometimes able to send messages and signs that they are still around us.
The energy of the person who has passed on can still come into our
reality and speak to us. In fact, it’s incredibly common for these signs
to happen.
Our loved ones love to send us signs along our path, and can put
signs into another’s path as a way to communicate with us as well. We
just have to make sure to pay attention to our surroundings or these
signs can easily be missed. These direct methods of communication can
occur anywhere and at any time. They can be received when you are fully
awake, or in a twilight state of dreaming.
Here are six signs that your deceased loved one may be using to try and connect with you.
Have you ever smelled something and
there was nothing there to provide the scent? This might be an
indication that a loved one is near. Some of the most common spirit
scents include cigar or cigarette smoke, perfume, mothballs, flowers,
laundry detergent and cooking items. The scents are usually tied to the
person in some way, and can trigger your memory of them to help validate
who is around. If you start to smell your grandma’s spaghetti sauce, it
will often trigger a time when you were in her home, how you felt, and
how she made you feel, etc. which would awaken your ability to find
other connections and signs from her as well. There can be no denying it
when others in the room smell the scent, too.
Spirit Lights
One of the more interesting ways that
spirits can show themselves to us is through what some call spirit
lights. Others may describe them as spirit glitter, orbs, bubbles or
sparkles. Whatever you call them, these lights can be the energy of your
loved one. We all have the ability to experience spirits lights but
kids most often see the phenomena. Babies will grasp at the air and
giggle at the light, even if no one else can see anything. While you can
see these with the naked eye, many are also caught on camera. Orbs in
photos are a common occurrence because energy can easily show up in
Number patterns have a deep meaning and our loved ones on the other side can show us different sequences in order to give us a message. The numbers typically have some sort of significance, such as a birthdate, house number, anniversary date, high school baseball number, and so on. The number sequences can appear anywhere and everywhere, such as clocks, phone numbers, license plates and more.All numbers have different meanings. For example, a sequence of 1 means that your loved ones are sharing a message that you are about to embark on a new beginning, while a sequence of 2 means that your loved one is trying to say “I love you.” If you see your birth date, the other side is celebrating you and reminding you that you have a purpose in life. If you see a sequence of several numbers, you will want to add them up until you get a single digit. This can then tell you what the message is trying to say.
While there isn’t a mail service
between earth and the beyond, our loved ones can surprise us with notes
from the other side. People have found everything from love letters to
notes just saying a quick hello. You might find a forgotten note stuck
in a book or placed in one of your loved one’s old belongings, thought
to have never been seen again. You might get letters you never even knew
about, like a postcard from a lost love that shows up decades later,
suspected to have lost at the post office forever. No matter how the
note shows up, it’s always at the right time and the right place.
Electronics are extremely easy for
loved ones from beyond to manipulate and let you know they are around.
Some ways they can utilize electronics includes: street lights turning
on and off, alarm clocks going off at random times, doorbells ringing
with no one around, televisions and radios changing or being turned off,
and computers malfunctioning. While our first instinct is to brush off
these incidents as electronic failure, if they continue to happen open
your mind to the possibility that a loved one is trying to get your
attention. Go with your gut and listen to your instinct when faced with
these possibilities.
Phone Calls
Often times, people report getting
calls from the other side and suspect it’s a sign from a deceased loved
one. The call will usually come through normally, but when answered
there is a bad connection or complete static. If there is a voice, it
might be recognizable but is it usually very faint. The call never lasts
long, only enough time for the message to try and get through. Most
experience this phenomenon in the immediate days after someone’s
passing, and is typically a farewell. In addition, they can happen on
meaningful days such as Christmas or a birthday. They will occur on
landlines and cell phones just the same. In addition, the number the
call is coming from is usually unrecognisable or blocked.
While we shouldn’t assume that everything
that happens is a sign, we should be keeping our minds and eyes open for
their possibility. When you spot a possible sign, thank your loved one
and remind them that you love them. This will help them feel cared for,
and they will be more likely to continue sending you signs. They remain
the same people after they have passed, and their love for us is as
intense as it ever was. So keep your eyes and heart open for their
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