A vision board is a visual depiction of those things you want to create in your life. Here's how to create a vision board of your own and how it will help you get the things you want to show up in your life.
What is a vision board? A vision board is a visual depiction of those things you want to create in your life. The purpose of the vision board is to help you focus and gain clarity. The process of creating a vision board helps you clearly define what you want. How does that help you get the things you want to show up in your life? Your mind is a sponge. It absorbs whatever information you expose it to. The mind doesn’t question or judge the information. It doesn’t assess the information and say, “That isn’t possible”. The mind takes in the statements you feed it and your subconscious mind goes to work to make them real.
Use the following steps to create your vision.
Gather Materials
Gather everything you will need to create your vision board including poster board, magazines, pictures, markers, glue stick, tape, scissors and music if you wish. I will often search the internet and print pictures that represent my goals.
Meditate and Contemplate
What is it that you want to represent in your vision board? Sit quietly and set your intention for the creation of this powerful vision board. Ask yourself the following questions: What do I want to create in my life? What are my goals? What are my desires? Open your heart to whatever thoughts come to you. Mix it up. Keep in mind that things are neither big nor little, easy nor hard, since they are all just energy.
Begin! Create!
Begin putting together your vision board. Go through magazines and cut out what appeals to you. When you have gathered representations of what you wish to create in your life, lay them out on the board. Remove what no longer feels right. Follow your inner guidance as you arrange images, words and phrases. Take a moment to focus on each one and feel what it will be like when it is in your life. Secure the representations with tape and/or glue. Enhance your vision board by placing a fabulous picture of yourself in the center if you wish. Finally, consider laminating your board or covering it tightly with plastic wrap to protect your vision.

Hang Your Vision Board
Hang your vision board in a place where you will see it and connect to it several times a day, especially in the morning when you get up and in the evening before bed. This allows you to see it when you rise and your mind is most clear of distractions, and in the evening when the images can sink into your subconscious mind to mull over while you sleep.
Use Your Vision Board
You can create a vision board large enough to hang on the wall or small enough to carry with you wherever you go. When you connect with your vision board, take time to focus on each item and actually feel each representation as if it already exists in your reality. Use your senses. Touch the images on the vision board. Visualize yourself in the experience, living your vision.
Create the Life You Dream Of
Vision Boarding is a powerful and effective tool for manifestation. You will be amazed at how quickly the items on your board will begin manifesting in your life! Use your vision board to clearly define your dreams and to become an active participant in creating the life you dream of!
Dawn Demers is a Strategic Coach, Change Master and speaker. Her life's mission is to help others find their true path and live a life of their dreams.
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