We all get moody sometimes - anxious, depressed, fatigued. Here are some tips for getting out of such funks, and reducing your vulnerability to them in the future.
Be Around Positive People – Being around people who are negative or self-centred can drain you of energy and bring down your mood. Surrounding yourself with positive and supportive family and friends can help boost your mood. Plus, hugging a loved one has been proven to release the brain chemical Oxytocin, which reduces anxiety and improves memory.
Take Care of Your Body – Eat well. Avoid cigarettes, alcohol, and recreational drugs. See doctors as needed, and follow their instructions. A healthy body supports a healthy mind.
Activity – Exercising or at least moving your body can help lower depression and anxiety. Exercise releases chemicals in your brain that help you feel better. Try taking a walk, playing sports, hula hooping with your kids, or gardening. There are so many ways to get active, find one that you enjoy and move with it.
Help Other People – Helping people in need not only helps those you are assisting, but it helps you too. It is a reminder of your ability to accomplish great things and gives you a feeling of satisfaction. It’s also a great way to connect with other people.
Creativity – There are many ways to get creative. You can try art, whether that is painting, colouring, or taking photos with your phone. You can also try less traditional creative activities such as knitting, cooking or baking. The key is not what you create, it is how you create it. It's about being in the present moment and enjoying the process of creating.
Nature – Get out of your home or office and into nature. You can sit and meditate, read a book, or just bask in the soothing sights, sounds and smells of nature. Not only is it relaxing, but the sun's rays give you a boost of depression-fighting Vitamin D. Even a few minutes in nature can help you push the reset button.
Sleep – Lack of sleep can increase your chance of getting depression, or make existing depression worse. It can also increase anxiety and irritability. Sleep deprivation causes fatigue that makes it harder to get exercise and take care of yourself. Make sure to get those crucial zzzzzz’s to help your mood, as well as immunity, memory, and overall functioning.
Danielle Hark is a wellness writer, photographer, and founder of BrokenLightCollective.com - the online photography gallery for people affected by mental illness. As someone who has struggled with mental health issues, her mission is to help as many other people who are struggling, using photography and creativity. www.DanielleHark.com and twitter.com/DanielleHark.
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