Each year as my birthday passes I increasingly feel like there is truth to the old saying, "with age comes wisdom." I learn more about myself and life every day. I believe that wisdom arises from a perfect combination of experience, compassion and reflection. And my lessons have allowed me to take greater strides toward living the life I truly desire.
One of the most important changes that wisdom has brought to my life is this: a redefinition of success. It is a simple shift but it can have profound benefits on your life.
Read on to learn why you should start to question how you define success in your life.
It Can Eliminate Envy
When we think of success we often are comparing ourselves with others in the same field, whether that be in advertising, or being a stay-at-home-parent. We hold ourselves up to a certain standard that is set by others and doesn't serve us in a positive way. If you think about what success truly means to you, it can tear down walls of envy and jealous by helping you to realize that deep down you may not want what someone else has.
Can Help Advance Your Career
You may be headed down a path in your career that you think is what you want, but it may not be what is truly in your heart. Maybe success is a big house in a great area - or maybe it's a smaller house that will allow you more freedom to travel. Maybe it's a promotion at work - or maybe it's getting out of the field you are in all together. Questioning your definition of success can get you back on track and listening to your intuition again.
It Can Give You Some Perspective
Sometimes work and our careers can feel daunting, especially when we are spending hours away from things we really love and feel as if we are sacrificing other important things in the process. By stepping back we gain some much needed perspective. This in itself is a form of mindfulness and can help us to look at the big picture and make decisions from a better space.
Can Increase Gratitude
Questioning success can do something unexpected as well - increase gratitude making us happier. When you look at what success means to you, you will be able to identify some great qualities about yourself, and the big accomplishments you have under your belt. Gratitude is one of the quickest ways to loving life and living your dreams.
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