
Saturday, 1 September 2018

A Black Hole could destroy Earth.

Image result for A Black Hole could destroy Earth.

A report from scientists has suggested that the world could be destroyed by a black hole and people seem to like the idea. 
Yes, it's 2018 and this is what it's come to; people longing for the apocalypse.
Physicists at Princeton University and the Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics in Waterloo, Ontario, have discovered a scenario involving gravitational waves, which could create a devastating black hole, which may even absorb light.
Gravitational waves are invisible ripples that exist in space and travel at the speed of light. The most powerful of these are known as circular waves, which happen when either two big stars or two black holes begin to orbit each other.
The experts wanted to research exactly what would happen if said waves happened to run into each other and used Albert Einstein's ten equations of the general theory of relativity.
Worryingly, they discovered that if the waves were large enough then it could create a huge black hole which could swallow up to 85 per cent of the energy from the wave, and effectively screw up space and time as we know it.
Their findings were published in the journal General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology and, when speaking to the New Scientist, co-author and Princeton University physics professor Frans Pretorius said:

These particles have a lot of energy and produce curvature in space-time, and when the waves collide, that curvature wraps in on itself.
Space-time is sort of sucking itself into a black hole.

On Thursday, Newsweek published a story about the findings and posted the following tweet which got a lot of attention.
Now, given the current climate of the world with politics, war, the environment, economy and society, in general, all being a bit rubbish, people greeted this news rather positively and with gallows humour.
Some people, who obviously want to stay alive, are hoping that Donald Trump's Space Force can fix the situation.

Unfortunately for the doom-mongers, longing for the end, the New Scientist article does state that this apocalyptic scenario is unlikely.
Dr. David Garfinkle, a professor in the department of physics at Oakland University, Michigan, told the publication that nothing in the known universe could cause such waves to behave in this manner and even if small waves happened to collide they would likely cross each other's paths and dissolve.


At least Ariel Edwards-Levy from The Huffington Post had our best intentions in mind.

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