
Thursday 3 May 2018

6 Ways to Amplify Your Life.


In today’s society it is considered normal to be overwhelmed and stressed out. Many people listen to their inner critic and believe they are not good enough, and that they are stuck in a rut that they cannot climb out of.
However, it never has to be like this. It’s time that we take a stand for ourselves and strive to live the life that we were meant to live. Embracing your life to the fullest, breaking through personal barriers, and moving forward with passion and intention are all obtainable and possible.
These tips only scratch at the surface of ways you can help tackle everyday challenges and teach yourself how to live with more excitement, productivity, clarity and confidence. There is so much potential in each one of us – we just need to find it.
Learn how to live your life to the fullest and amplify it with these healthy thoughts and actions!

In order to live a purpose-driven life you must be intentional with your thoughts, words and actions. Intention is the beginning of every idea. Whether you plan on going to the gym, calling your mom, or scratching an itch, it all starts with an intention to do so. Intention is not wishful thinking, but instead something we must make happen. Our intentions should be like an arrow flying toward a target and be clear and focused. Whether your intention is something in the near future or something that could take several months, it is important to remain focused and stay active in making that vision happen. Keep sight of your goal and be intentional with your actions.

It’s important that we understand what happiness is before we can find happiness within ourselves. Dennis Waitley explains, “Happiness cannot be travelled to, owned, earned, worn or consumed. Happiness is the spiritual experience of living every minute with love, grace and gratitude.”
You have probably heard someone say, “If only I could get a better job, lose more weight, or make more money, then I would be happier.” What people don’t seem to realize, however, is that happiness isn’t something external.
Those who are the happiest are not happy because of how much money they make or how they look, but instead are happy because they are grateful for what they do have. Your outlook determines your outcome, and your outlook is determined by the amount of gratitude you practice. No matter what negative events are going on in life, there is always something to be grateful for.
There is no enemy more evil, hurtful or ruthless than the one living inside our own heads. We like to trap ourselves in a mental prison with looping thoughts about what we should have done or something that has been done to us. Being able to tap into the practice of forgiveness of ourselves and others is a powerful tool in obtaining self-love and healing.
We all have made mistakes that are hard to get through. However, the key to amplifying your life is forgiving yourself and those around you, even if they did something that hurt you. Holding on to pain and grudges will cause you more harm in the long run while the person you are aiming it at will not be impacted. It’s important to let these negative emotions go and forgive.
At the heart of amplifying your life is sacrifice. It requires letting go of unhealthy habits, shedding poor relationships, and sacrificing small thinking and excessive excuses.
Sacrifice will look different for each person as only you know what you need to give up in order to grow. Some may have to give up aspects of their personal lives and relationships, while others may need to give up a harmful hobby or addiction. Regardless of the sacrifice, you must be able to commit to it fully to accomplish your vision. Sacrifice will never be easy, but it is absolutely necessary in order to go to the next level.
If you are having trouble deciding what you need to sacrifice, take time to make a list of everything you know that isn’t serving you. No matter how weird it may sound at the time, write it down. Analyze each and see which ones you believe are truly necessary to remove from your life and create a strategy for spacing yourself from that activity or person for the time necessary.

We all hear that little voice in our head that guides us in certain directions. We get these signals on a daily basis: “Give her a kiss,” “Don’t get in that car,” or “Check in on your mom.” We may not always be in tune with these voices, but they give us a gut feeling that we should be listening to.
Have you ever felt something was off but continued to stay in that situation? Most of us spend time looking for answers outside of ourselves when our mind and body are trying to tell us something from within. Our intuition is a storehouse of hidden wisdom that we need to place more trust in. Our gut feelings have more meaning than most people would like to admit. There are several ways to activate your intuition, such as questioning and journaling your thoughts, listening to your body, and taking action on all “aha” moments.

When we are faced with a tough situation, it might seem like there is no hope in overcoming the obstacle. Instead, we breakdown. It can be difficult to see anything other than the problem you are facing when you are in the middle of it. Running worse-case scenarios in your head, holding on to hurt, or focusing on what isn’t working can all make us feel wounded and broken. However, there is a way to turn wounds into wisdom if you allow it.
There are five ways to handle a breakdown and turn it into wisdom. First, don’t blame anyone outside of yourself as it stops the process of healing. Secondly, don’t beat yourself up for feeling how you do or doing what you did. It will only make things worse. Thirdly, don’t over think and analyze it. Instead, simply tell yourself, “I accept this pain, for it is here to teach me something and I will become wiser because of it.” Allow yourself to fully feel each emotion that may come during this time. Fourthly, don’t try to distract yourself from your pain by drinking, eating, people or whatever your vice may be. Temporary Band-Aids will not solve your underlying problem. Lastly, once you have allowed yourself to fully experience the breakdown, figure out what you desire out of the situation and what you need to achieve that. For example, if you have been through a difficult breakup and want to make peace with it, you will need to access compassion for both of you. That may require you to remember the good times, forgive them for the bad, and then be at peace wishing them well in their future.

Dream Big
In order to amplify our lives we must take steps to analyze what is holding us back, what we need in order to grow, and how we can be appreciative with what we have and are in the present. Growth is a beautiful thing and we can become the person we have always dreamed of being. In what ways do you amplify your life? For more ways to amplify your life, read the book “Love Louder” by Preston Smiles.

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