A Yazidi woman who was kidnapped by ISIS and sold as a sex slave has come face-to-face with a jihadist who took part in a raid on her home town of Sinjar.
Shireen, who was raped repeatedly by her captor Saif, retraced her steps to the Iraqi city of Mosul where she was held for two-and-a-half years, as part of a new BBC Three documentary fronted by Stacey Dooley called Face To Face With ISIS.
There she comes face-to-face with an ISIS fighter named Anmar – who took part on the raid of Shireen’s home city and had three sex slaves of his own.
He revealed how he had raped more than 250 women and children – some as young as 15, adding that it was a ‘very strong’ desire that he was unable to control.
Horrified, Shireen tells him:
‘You will pay for the tears of these girls
During the programme, Shireen reveals her ordeal was so horrific she attempted suicide four times, before she managed to escape her living hell during the battle to regain the city in which her captor, Saif, was killed.
Shireen said:
‘I lost hope to die, they wouldn’t let us kill ourselves. I tried four times.‘Saif would frighten and kill people. I’d rather have died than what go through what happened.’
At the end of their journey in Iraq, Stacey and Shireen challenge Anmar on why he joined the terrorist organisation to which he reveals it was for the money – before admitting he had killed 900 people during the reign of terror.
Stacey was left appalled when she questioned how many women and children Anmar raped during his time as a member of ISIS before he was arrested.
‘During the time I was with them the 15 to 16 year olds maybe about 50 and the older ones, [I raped] over 200.’‘When it comes to having sex, no one can control it, it’s a very strong desire,’ Anmar said.Even if she was trying to stop me, you know… But when I finished with her and saw her crying my heart would break for her.’
Shireen told him:
‘If you had a good heart you wouldn’t take three girls and rape them on a daily basis. You enjoyed this.’
Admitting that he did, he then claimed:
‘At the time it was different, I was put under pressure. I was required to do this.

If I didn’t kill my commander would be ready with his weapon behind me to kill me.‘But an emotional Shireen snapped: ‘You will pay for the tears of these girls. This is the price for their deaths.’Anmar agreed that was the least he should expect: ‘I’m waiting for my fate, my fate is death.’
Culled from Daily Mail
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