
Friday 22 December 2017

7 Tips Towards a Digital Detox.

people man office
There needs to balance in the digital world as it effects our sleeping, relationships, and overall health.
Author Orianna Fielding writes extensively about unplugging from the online world in Unplugged. She calls it a digital detox, and with her help, we found seven ways to disconnect daily.

Stop Sleeping with a Phone
Do you sleep with your phone or use it as an alarm? Phones can disrupts sleep patterns since they emit radiation according to a 2008 study. Researchers found that people that slept near their cell phones had a harder time falling and remaining in a deeper sleep state.

Walk Away from Emails
Fielding recommends that during office hours go talk to the person, instead of emailing them. This not only gets you away from the desk, but allows for better communication as emailing could be misinterpreted.
Find a Tech-Free Space
Create a space that is tech free, somewhere you can’t be distracted or worried about incoming texts and emails. Let that become a place where you can be still and relaxed.

Avoid Loging In
When you sense a moment where you feel the urge to check work emails or Facebook, pause for a moment before reacting.

Leave Your Phone
Leave your phone in the car when meeting up with friends or family at restaurant or at home. It’s rude when someone is checking their phone during a meal ir on family outtings.

Don't Miss Out
“Experience the moment and capture it in your mind, tech-free, instead of always reaching for your smartphone to take a picture,” Fielding writes. Think about that for a moment. How many times did we reach for the phone and totally miss on a memory.

Turn off Notifications
Turn off notifications. This will be a temptation, and keep you connected. You could open the doors to websites, and searching on Google.

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