Powerful As Any Great Classic Of Fiction “So said Sir Ian McKellen in his
Foreword to my book. And it is.Do you remember the terrible times of AIDS and
HIV in the 1980s and 1990s?
If not, are you curious to learn what it was like
for those diagnosed? Wise Before their Time, first published in 1992, shows in
moving detail what it was like to live with HIV/AIDS when there was no real
treatment for this life-threatening illness. It tells the true stories of over
forty young men and women from all over the world, attending an international
conference of people with HIV and AIDS in London in 1991.I have added a new
cover and a short introduction to the new version, but the book remains
essentially the same.
were very young people (most were in their twenties and thirties) having to
cope with an unexpectedly shortened life span.They describe the difficulties of
telling their parents, friends and partners of their diagnosis, while trying to
cope with the day-to-day problems of staying healthy, keeping in work and
supporting their friends. They all experienced enormous stigma, blame and guilt
because of the disease. This can be seen in all kinds of ways – from small
things, like an Irishman being disappointed that friends did not want him to
play with their child, to larger ones, suchas man being placed alone in an
isolation hospital in Goa for some months with no help.They all knew others who
had died. And one mother tells the story of the death of her toddler.Yet this
is in no way a struggle to read. It is touching, it is enlightening and it is
sometimes funny. But most of all, there
is virtually no self-pity. On the contrary, the participants were committed to
celebrating the joys of life to the full. Which is why I chose the title – they
were, genuinely, wise before their time.
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