Being pre-emptive before and during life’s storms will help master the ship. Author and Life Coach Cherie Y. Holloman wrote in Seven Powerful Habits to Spiritually Prepare for the Storms of Life that it’s time to remove stigmas and activate what God has given us through His Word.
For the next 30 days prayer with the use of a calendar, and make notes on what is going in your life. If you miss a day don’t beat yourself up. Making prayer a habit will prepare you how to deal with obstacles along the way.
Write it Down
For the next 30 days prayer with the use of a calendar, and make notes on what is going in your life. If you miss a day don’t beat yourself up. Making prayer a habit will prepare you how to deal with obstacles along the way.
We come to God with a huge list every day of wants. Try starting the day with gratitude praise and thanksgiving. We can’t see what is in the spiritual realm and praising the Lord release His power to work on our behalf through the Holy Spirit.
Talk Back
Holloman suggested that the Word needs to get into your spirit. The Word is sharper than any two edged sword (Hebrew 4:12). Use it to talk back to the enemy.
What do you really believe? During the storms of life are you going to believe God, man, or the enemy? Find a scripture and study it, post it where you will see it, and use it as a tool. Sometimes we need to step back to rebuild our faith or strengthen our relationship with God. It might be time to remove yourself from the business of life to refocus and heal.
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