More research has shown healthier foods not only can make us feel better, but look gorgeous as well. Turn back the years and prevent wrinkles with these beauty foods.
Go Green
Getting your greens and yellows is a must for your complexion. Organic kale, spinach, wheat grass, and yellow peppers can help prevent wrinkles around the eyes and mouth.
Olive and Coconut Oils
Olive and coconut oils can improve elasticity of the skin because of the healthy fats. It can be applied to reduce the risk of under eye wrinkles. Coconut oil can naturally make lips softer and is a great eye-makeup remover.
Phytonutreints, which means nutrient from a plant, has been said to possible slow the aging process and aids against wrinkles.
Vitamin C
Tomatoes, oranges, lemons, blueberries and strawberries high in vitamin C boosts collagen to make the skin appear supple.
Dark Chocolate
Dark chocolate can help your skin to retain moisture and provides antioxidants to fight the UV rays that accelerate aging.
Eating foods rich in omega-3s like fish (wild caught) and nuts reduce inflammation and is also good for your heart!
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