
Saturday 1 July 2017

Do You Need a Miracle Today?

Is there anyone who couldn’t benefit from the Lord’s supernatural touch right now? To ease your burden? To lift your heart? To resolve your deepest fears?
Yes, I need His touch!
When you think of a “miracle” what comes to mind? A miracle to most people is blind eyes opened, deaf ears unstopped and being raised from the dead. “We love to read and hear about these supernatural moves of the Lord, but, do you know that God is performing miracles every day?” advises Julia A. Royston.

Yes, I need His touch!
Follow your GPS – Follow your loving God’s Plan Successfully – Realize that the Almighty Creator of the universe has a detailed plan for your life. He has all power, knows everything and can be everywhere at the same time. Follow God by reading His word, mediate on His promises, obey His voice and you will testify of the miracle working power of God. For I know the plans I have for you. Jeremiah 29:13

Yes, I need His touch!
Expect a Miracle – “Your thoughts and the words you speak, have power,” writes Royston in Everyday Miracles. “If you speak, meditate on and expect negative, it will happen. If you expect miracles, speak life and power into every situation, it will surely happen. “Death and life is in the power of the tongue.” Proverbs 18:21

Yes, I need His touch!
Get a Vision – “Where there is no vision the people will perish.” Proverbs 29:18  What do you see? Do you only see death, sickness, poverty and crime? You are probably watching too much television. If you turn off the television long enough to spend time with God, He will change your focus and your vision. See what God sees. Focus on what He is focused on. Watch Him use you to create a miracle for you and someone else

Yes, I need His touch!
Change – “You know what they say about ‘doing the same thing and expecting the same result,’” writes Royston in Everyday Miracles. “This lifestyle is insanity. Deep down inside you know that some changes need to be made to see the miracles of God in your life. Negative habits, relationships and attitudes will delay and sometimes, negate the miracles of God. Change whatever is not the plan of God for your life.”

Yes, I need His touch!
Nature Calls Royston continues: Walk out your front door and take a look at God’s creation. Whether it is Fall, Winter, Spring or Summer, nature is doing what it is supposed to be doing in that season. God is taking care of the earth and all of the living creatures in it. Do you think that He is not going to meet your needs, solve your problems and answer your prayers? Each season may bring its challenges, but, God is working on your behalf to show you His power and give you the victory. “Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow; they toil not, neither do they spin.” Matthew 6:28

Yes, I need His touch!
Look in the Mirror – “You are a miracle” writes Royston in Everyday Miracles. “Yes, you. Look at you. There is not another you like you on the planet Earth. Even if you are an identical twin, you are one of kind. You are gifted, talented, filled with purpose and wonderfully made for His glory and praise. Each day that you wake up know that there is a reason why you are alive and no one can do what you do like you because you are a miracle to mankind.”

Courtesy of Beliefnet & Julia Royston

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